These words are often used interchangeably but they are quite different. Let's dive into each one so that you can decide for yourself if these are practices you should be implementing into your wellness routine.
Fasting is a simple way to give your digestive system a break. All you have to do to fast is abstain from food or drink for a certain period of time. Many people often associate fasting with days of starvation but in reality we all fast a little each day while we sleep. There are a lot of studies surrounding how long a person should fast, I believe that is very dependent on the person and what they are trying to accomplish. In general though, I think most people can benefit greatly from a 12-14 hour fast. Simply stop eating after dinner (~6pm) and break your fast 12-14 hours later with BREAK-FAST (~6am-8am) ;)
Often, when people think of a cleanse they associate it with some form of juicing. Unless there are some added herbs this is not truly a cleanse because juice alone could not fully accomplish a true cleanse. The purpose of a cleanse is to thoroughly clean, push out, or wash away unwanted 'debris' in the body or a specific organ.
Not all detoxes are the same but in general the purpose of a detox is similar to that of a cleanse, eliminating toxins from the body. But here's the difference with the Dr. Cabral Detox that I love so much, in addition to toxin removal we are replacing deficiencies at the same time. Removing unwanted 'things' from the body is amazing but by doubling down and providing our bodies with a nutrient boost the whole body has a chance to re-calibrate. There is no easier way to jump start your wellness journey then a true Functional Medicine Detox.
I hope you found this helpful and are excited to start implementing one or all of these tools into your wellness routine.
Sign up here to join my next detox group, I will guide you through the whole process and give you all the tools you need to make it a success!
I can't wait to see your transformation!